It reads a spreadsheet file (Excel or ODS), processes it using a provided XML template, and generates an XML output file.
- file_path
Character. Path to the spreadsheet file to be converted. Supports Excel (.xlsx) and ODS formats.
- template_path
Character. Path to the XML template file to guide the transformation process.
- xml_path
Character (optional). Output path for the generated XML file. If NULL, it is considered an XML file with the same name and location as the spreadsheet file.
- optimize
Boolean. Remove empty nodes from the xml file.
source_xml <- system.file("extdata", "schema_template.xml", package = "tab2xml")
source_xlsx <- system.file("extdata", "schema.xlsx", package = "tab2xml")
temp_file1 <- tempfile(fileext = ".xml")
sheet2xml(source_xlsx, source_xml, temp_file1)
#> [1] "/tmp/Rtmp4UXj54/file1b9430ba80d2.xml"
source_ods <- system.file("extdata", "schema.ods", package = "tab2xml")
temp_file2 <- tempfile(fileext = ".xml")
sheet2xml(source_ods, source_xml, temp_file2)
#> [1] "/tmp/Rtmp4UXj54/file1b94375397a5.xml"