Clips a `MULTIPOLYGON` vector layer using a polygon layer, handling specific issues that might arise with geometries encoded incorrectly or containing unknown WKB types. It serves as a fallback when the `clip_layer` function fails due to errors like `ParseException: Unknown WKB type 12`, which is associated with *MULTIPOLYGON* types.
The function ensures that the input layer is correctly encoded as `MULTIPOLYGON` and uses GDAL utilities for re-encoding if necessary. The output is projected to the CRS of the clipping polygon.
This solution is inspired by a discussion on handling WKB type errors in R: <>.
See also
Other clip functions:
gpkg_path <- system.file("extdata", "clc.gpkg", package = "clc")
clc <- sf::st_read(gpkg_path, layer = "clc", quiet = TRUE)
lanjaron <- sf::st_read(gpkg_path, layer = "lanjaron", quiet = TRUE)
clc_clipped <- clip_multipoligon(clc, lanjaron)