Copies layer styles from a source (GeoPackage or PostGIS database) to a destination (GeoPackage or PostGIS database). The source and destination can be specified flexibly, and the function supports copying styles to multiple layers in the destination.
from_layer = NULL,
database = NULL,
schema = "public",
to_layers = NULL
- from
A data source for the input style. This can be: - A string representing the path to a GeoPackage file. - A `DBI` database connection object to a PostGIS database, created using [RPostgres::dbConnect()].
- from_layer
Character (optional). Name of the layer in the source to copy the style from. If not provided, the function will use the first layer in the source with a defined style.
- to
A data destination for the output styles. This can be: - A string representing the path to a GeoPackage file. - A `DBI` database connection object to a PostGIS database, created using [RPostgres::dbConnect()].
- database
Character (optional). Name of the destination PostGIS database (required if the destination is a PostGIS connection object).
- schema
Character. Schema in the destination PostGIS database where the styles will be applied. Default is "public".
- to_layers
Character vector (optional). Names of the layers in the destination where the style will be applied. If not provided, the style will be applied to all layers in the destination.
See also
Other style functions:
# Ex1:
source_gpkg <- system.file("extdata", "clc.gpkg", package = "clc")
layer_data <- sf::st_read(source_gpkg, layer = "clc", quiet = TRUE)
dest_gpkg <- tempfile(fileext = ".gpkg")
sf::st_write(layer_data, dest_gpkg, layer = "clc", quiet = TRUE)
copy_styles(from = source_gpkg, to = dest_gpkg)
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# Ex2:
source_gpkg <- system.file("extdata", "clc.gpkg", package = "clc")
conn <- DBI::dbConnect(
dbname = "mydb",
host = "localhost",
user = "user",
password = "password"
from = source_gpkg,
to = conn,
database = "mydb",
schema = "public",
to_layers = c("layer1", "layer2"),
} # }