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geomultistar (development version)

geomultistar 1.2.2

  • Fix test for new version of sf.

geomultistar 1.2.1

CRAN release: 2024-01-08

  • Fix select measure in facts.
  • Modify the cph field of the description.
  • Include logo on website.

geomultistar 1.2.0

CRAN release: 2023-11-11

  • Define error messages.
  • Include multistar class code to be independent of the starschemar package.
  • Include test and test data for multistar class code.

geomultistar 1.1.1

CRAN release: 2023-10-09

  • Update documentation and website.
  • Use core pipe operator.

geomultistar 1.1.0

CRAN release: 2020-11-15

  • Include the [wider] parameter in the [run_geoquery()] function to define layers where geographic elements are not repeated.
  • Function [save_as_geopackage()] to export the results of a geoquery as a layer with an explanatory table of the measurements.
  • Update vignettes and readme.

geomultistar 1.0.0

CRAN release: 2020-09-30

  • Initial functionality.
  • Functions to define geographic dimensions: [geomultistar()], [define_geoattribute()] and [get_empty_geoinstances()].
  • Function to run a query that includes geographic data: [run_geoquery()].
  • Functions to import multidimensional data: [multistar()], [add_facts()], [add_dimension()] and [relate_dimension()].
  • Geographical data. USA vector layers: [usa_cities], [usa_counties], [usa_states], [usa_divisions], [usa_regions] and [usa_nation].
  • Geographical data. London boroughs vector layer: [uk_london_boroughs].